

My paper “Information and request for consideration” from August 2023, which I hand over to those places where I go regularly – A summary about me, with explanations and contact details – I also use this paper as a general summary – – – PLEASE SHARE – – –

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Information and request for consideration

I am a victim of group stalking / gang stalking (Targeted Individual), among others in churches, retail stores, restaurants, hotels, in public transportation, and more.

After researching in a case of Satanic Ritual Abuse (most severe forms of torture and rape) 17 years ago in a German socialist political party, and after filing charges against the perpetrators in the spring of 2006, the perpetrators made me a victim of group stalking. This continues to this day. The perpetrators have told me that they would continue this for the rest of my life. The both principle offenders I identified as perpetrators of the main victim both bragged believably that they would be protected by doing these crimes by a German intelligence service. The German interior intelligence service „Verfassungsschutz“ repeatedly tried to hire me (presumably to control me). I refused to do this. The Verfassungsschutz and the so-called „Antifa“, which falsely calls itself „anti-Fascistic“, both are main perpetrators of the group stalking against me.

The goal of such concerted and ongoing attacks is the social, economic, psychological and physical control and destruction of the victim, e.g. through social isolation and character assassination. You can find more details about my background below and on the reverse side of this letter.

Wherever I go I have to expect subtle or overt harassment, attacks and defamation. This happens in churches, stores and the like as well as in public, particularly where I go on a regular base. Such attacks have been carried out against me hundreds of times.

The perpetrators recruit from different milieus – younger people, older peolpe, kids, employed, unemployed, homeless people, people with a migration background and more.

In recent months, the perpetrators have significantly increased their persecution and defamation against me. For this reason alone, I feel compelled to address places / people where I frequently go in this manner. My goal is to make you aware of my situation, and furthermore, of the situation of victims of group stalking / stalking in general. I want to prevent you from becoming a tool of my perpetrators based on lies and manipulation, knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously.

As we all know, we live in a constitutional state (although I don’t have much of that). Perpetrators like to pretend that they are omnipotent. In fact, in my experience, the perpetrators fear prosecution. The perpetrators, in my experience, systematically strive to avoid leaving behind evidence, particularly evidence that can be used in court. For the most part, the perpetrators shun publicity.

For these reasons I ask you to do the following:

In general, please do not let others set you against others. Please question negative statements about other people as a matter of principle. For example, bullying in schools and at work alone is known to destroy lives and to cause billions in economic damage every year.

– In case of doubt, please contact the victim in question, i.e. me in my case. Feel free to contact me personally. My means of communication are under attack, so this is probably the safest way to contact me. Of course you can try other ways as well.

– If necessary, please contact your colleagues, superiors or, if you have, your security in case you observe or experience something unusual. Experience has shown that this can deter perpetrators.

– If you suspect that a crime is happening or has been committed, please secure evidence, e.g. surveillance videos, if necessary. If necessary please create e.g. a memory protocol about spoken contents and the like. This takes only a few seconds or minutes. In case the police is called in later, they may need descriptions of unknown suspects in order to identify the perpetrators and possibly to initiate criminal proceedings.

My perpetrators use fake evidence. In particular, they use fake videos to portray me as dangerous or mentally disturbed. The goal is apparently my isolation as well as my social discrediting. There are courts in the U.S. that no longer allow videos as evidence on the grounds that videos can nowadays be faked so well that not even experts (!) are able to determine whether the video is real or fake. If you are shown any alleged “evidence” or videos about me, please question them.

– If strangers try to enforce statements from you, or want to access your protected data regarding an individual, please verify the identity of the individual requesting it and her / his authorization. Perpetrators sometimes pose as employees of security companies or Government agencies, but in fact are not. In my experience, it is possible that they use fake company IDs or fake Government IDs. Do not allow yourself to be put under pressure in terms of time or psychologically. That alone can have a deterrent effect. Law enforcement agencies need a court order from the Dortmund District Court (the person’s place of residence, which in this case is my place of residence) if they want to force interviews or demand the handing over of legally protected data about the person in question.

You can find more about my background below and on the reverse side of this letter.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Thomas Rosenstengel

Address: Thomas Rosenstengel, Schwanenwall 6, 44135 Dortmund — Mobile: 0049 (0) 0152 1195 6310 (best accessibility from evening to noon (CET)Please note: All my means of communication are, from experience, under attack and get usually manipulated by my perpetrators – this also applies to my postal mail and my cell phone. The building Schwanenwall 6 / Brüderweg 15 is monitored by the owner with surveillance cameras.

BTW: I am a tenant of an apartment in this building since December 2008. I never had anything to do with the stores and their operators, which were or are located ground floor or in the backyard of the building. These businesses were and are solely in the responsibility of the owner of the building and of the business operators of the stores. Any allegation that I would have anything to do, or that I would have ever had anything to do with these stores on the ground floor or in the backyard of the building where I live, or with their business owners, their staff or customers is untrue. I have also never asked for or received any help from them.

Further note: The use of Directed Energy Weapons / Psychotronic Weapons is prohibited by law in several countries around the world (whether such laws are followed is another matter). The Russian Government passed a law in 1999 prohibiting private individuals from using Psychotronic Weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation. –

Further background information about me and term explanations

From summer of 2005 to the year 2007, I did “undercover research” in a case of Ritual Abuse in the left-wing respectively extreme left-wing political party PDS / Die Linke in Germany. The reason for this was that, at least at that time, the mere existence of Ritual Abuse was controversial even among law enforcement authorities – despite to the actual international evidence and source situation already at that time. Therefore I wanted to gather more information first before I would contact law enforcement authorities. The only reason I continued to stay in this milieu until 2007 was to somehow help that specific victim, which in retrospect was admittedly a poor “strategy”. Since 2007 I have had no contacts whatsoever to left-wing or left-wing extremist milieus. I have never been a left-wing extremist.

My motivation

I acted at that time exclusively out of sympathy for the victims. I did not pursue any political, economic or other interests. I never wanted to earn any money or earned any money with it in any way. I acted as a private person. I never worked for any authority.
I was a Buddhist at that time. I dedicated my life to helping victims of severe violence about 20 years ago. For many years now, I am a practicing Christian. I have given my life to Jesus Christ. This made it possible for me to find strength for coping with my situation and to survive. I have thereby also developed my personality in terms of my goals.

Contrary to the lies and defamations of my perpetrators, I was never right-wing extremist or part of a right-wing extremist milieu. I have also never sexually abused a person. I am not a danger to society in any way.
Those who know me know that I am a person of integrity and that I tell the truth. All over the world Targeted Individuals get usually defamed as a menace to society, as mentally disturbed, and often as sex offenders.

Ritual Abuse / Satanic Ritual Abuse (RA / SRA)

Ritual Abuse / Satanic Ritual Abuse (RA / SRA), in international parlance, is the systematic and ritual torture, rape and murder of adults and children, especially women and children of all ages. The goal is primarily to enslave the victims to the greatest extent possible in order to control and to exploit them. Victims of RA / SRA are then exploited in many ways, especially sexually, for forced prostitution and others. Another essential reason for SRA / RA, also in the form of ritual murder of victims, is to obtain blackmailability of the perpetrators, the satisfaction of extremely perverted sexual needs of sex offenders (child pornography is a billion-dollar market, snuff videos, etc.), as well as the acquisition of power through spiritual abuse. Victims of RA / SRA get also abused for various other dangerous and / or illegal purposes like terrorist attacks, drug trafficking and other things.

“Ritual abuse is a global phenomenon. Ritual abuse is recognized by the United Nations as a significant factor in the international trafficking of women and children.”

Source: “Ritual Abuse & Torture in Australia” by ASCA – Advocates for Survivors of Child Abuse, Australia, 2006 (
in English).

Link e.g. here:

Group Stalking / Gang Stalking / Zersetzung

Group stalking means that the number of stalkers is at least 2, up to more than 100 perpetrators, so that the victim can no longer count the stalkers. Stalkers act with full knowledge of what they are doing and why they are doing it, but are also often manipulated and have limited knowledge of the true extend of what they are doing and its purpose. In most cases it is money, also drugs, that motivates them.

The existence of group stalking is recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice.

The U.S. Department of Justice’s 2009 scientific study on crime victimization “Stalking Victimization in the United States” statistically analyzed complaints of stalking to U.S. authorities. It concludes that there are numerous victims of group stalking (document in English).

Link e.g. here:

There is an extremely high number of unreported cases, because many victims do not even turn to the authorities. This is because most authorities are typically systematically involved themselves in the harassment of Targeted Individuals. According to victims and experts, the figures are transferable to other countries, including Germany.

There is an international Targeted Individual – Community in the Internet. I myself knew more than 140 other Targeted Individuals – most of them from the USA, but also from other countries, including Germany. The victims come from all social classes and milieus, with different backgrounds. No human being deserves such inhuman treatment! It violates national and international laws.

Further forms of attacks, to which I am exposed

There are also home burglaries, surveillance of me and my means of communication, hacking, the destruction of job relationships and more. Isolation and poverty as well as hardly bearable stresses around the clock are the result. Even in my apartment I get constantly attacked by the perpetrators by means of different methods like e.g. sound harassment, close surveillance and Directed Energy Weapon attacks. I also get spiritually attacked by the perpetrators, often in combination with Directed Energy Weapon attacks.

Request for support

I also ask you on this occasion, if possible, for social contacts, particularly for Christian community and prayers. I would also be very glad if someone would help me under these difficult circumstances of persecution with finding new accommodation. I also have very items on credit report at the „Schufa“ (a credit bureau in Germany). Furthermore the housing market in Germany is very difficult. I am on welfare, without ressources. Donations are welcome. An old motorhome or similar would also be good. I would like to leave the country, and I dont want to end up somewhere as a homeless stalking victim. As a group stalking victim I would be extra vulnerable in case I would get homeless. I speak German as mother language, and English fluently. I want to find or create a place where the victims can live safely in some degree. Thank you for your interest. Sincere regards, Thomas Rosenstengel

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Contact information: Thomas Rosenstengel, Schwanenwall 6, 44135 Dortmund, Germany – – – Mobile: 0049 (0) 0152 1195 6310 (best accessibility from evening to noon – CET – feel free to call me at night too), Email:

Written by thomasrosenstengel

12/22/2023 at 17:21

Posted in Uncategorized